We have been a team for almost a year but sad to say that it was our very first and last team building. We never had the chance to have many team building just like team Gerwin has. Our schedules won't meet. Actually on our forced team building we have to do a lot of swapping of schedules and plead the Salt Lake schedulers to grant us 2 days for a team building and as well as despedida party for the agents that was recently promoted to Team Lead interns(that includes me) and to Jez as the new quality evaluator of Microsoft.
It was one hell of a trip. But so said to know that it would be the last time for me and Mica to bond with them since we will be under another account.Its so sad that we have to bid goodbye to the account that mold me to be who I am today. I will surely miss my team but i will apply all the things that i have learned from them to the new team that i will be leading now.