You saw a sexy lingerie, two piece bikini or that very sexy underwear that you wish you could wear flaunting your sexy and fit body on the beach or just simply look good in front of your partner. And you have that great imagination of a happily ever after . Your almost ready to pick that pair and head to the cashier only to wake up in a reality that this great piece won't fit you. And then there was silence.
Yes reality bites, many people not only ladies wish to have that sexy and fit body. You dig in to weight lose books and weight management plans, spend time, money and effort on it, only to end up failing. We set these ambitious goals and then fail. When we fail we get disappointed and end up gaining more than what we used to have. Thinking it never worked and never will, for you or to any body else.
So how can we be successful in getting fit and staying fit? Here are five tips that we need to keep in mind to be fit and stay fit;
1. Set a realistic Goal. Often times people tend to set goals that are too ambitious to attain. Most of us set goals that is to impossible to accomplish in a very short time and we ended up being disappointed not meeting it. Set short term goals, know what you can do , once attained then move to a higher goal. Take one step at a time.
2. Decide what plan to take. Whether you'll do an exercise at the gym, brisk walk, walk the dogs or do your own exercise at home or go for a food diet. Choose an activity that you'll enjoy. A task is easier to perform when your having fun doing it, right? Remember that you will doing it repetitively so it has to be something that you'll enjoy and you'll love doing over and over again. Change your eating habit, low carb diet is a good choice.
3. Let go the bad habits, and that includes thinking habits. One fitness plan may work for your friend but it may not work for you. If one plan is not working stop thinking about that plan. However, if your given a plan that should work but you keep on telling yourself that you can't do it, then it never will. So be positive about your fitness plan, instead of thinking that it won't work for you, keep in mind that you will. Nothing bits being optimistic.
4. Talk to yourself. Ask yourself what you want and what's in it for you if you will do it and if you won't. Your main goal is to be fit or to fit in to that sexy lingerie. Think of the things that you can possibly do when you meet that goal. Think of the what if's. What if I get fit and stay fit? What's in it for me? Think of your own satisfaction and think of what you would like to feel? If you are satisfied with your own answers then ;
5. Take Action! A plan will never be realized if you won't act on it. A plan will always be a plan unless you take action. You won't get fit, if you'll just lie on your bed and keep on dreaming all about the what if's. Act on your goals. Make your goal a reality by acting on it. By simply doing your short term goals repetitively, little by little you will reach your ultimate goal, and that is to be fit and stay fit.
You can change your life and be at your best, if you act on it now. Remember it's all in the mind and everything will come into place.