Have you ever wondered how to fight in a battle unprepared? It's chaotic right?
Well that's were I'm at right now. Being immersed in a certain situation un armed. If only a set of guidelines where set...a book perhaps...hahaha...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
8 Habits That Wreck Your Relationship
Find out how to rebuild your bond after a wrecking ball hits your relationship -- and learn how to sidestep couple-killers in the future.
By dating editor Br#1. Having an affair with his "potential"
Wanting your man to be the best version of himself is admirable, but approaching his looks and personality with "Extreme Makeover" ambition will do little more than erode his self-esteem and leave you both frustrated and resentful. "If you and your partner believe that love means acceptance, pushing him to change and criticizing him is going to send him the opposite message. What he hears is 'you aren't good enough,'" says Nina Atwood, M.Ed., L.P.C., author of "Temptations of the Single Girl: The Ten Dating Traps You Must Avoid."
How to rebuild: This is where the old 80-20 rule can be used to the benefit of both of you. Spend at least 80 percent of your time together letting your partner know all the things you adore and appreciate about him, so that when you mention something you don't like, it doesn't feel like another item on a long list of failures.
#2. Major mood swings
We're living in some pretty anxiety-inducing times, and when life takes a stressful turn, it's not uncommon for couples to start taking out that stress on each other. While the occasional mood swing can -- and should -- be forgiven, being in a relationship with someone whose bad moods outnumber her good ones can make a man run for cover. Wouldn't you do the same?
How to rebuild: The next time you catch yourself taking a downturn, take a moment to consider what kind of impact your moods are having on your man and the relationship. "If a woman is too moody, we start to walk on eggshells because we just don't want to deal with the drama," says Matt, 31, of San Diego.
#3. Gossip
Talking to pals about your love life is a normal part of friendship, but if you're calling your BFF, your sister, and your mom every time your man pisses you off, you're not only going to wind up embarrassed when the storm passes, you'll also find yourself in a relationship with someone who feels violated and judged. "As a couple, private information should stay private or you risk damaging your reputation as a couple, which in turn may isolate you from others and sever your relationship," says Dan Schawbel, personal branding expert and author of "Me: 2.0." Remember that word of mouth is a powerful force, and it can hurt your reputation if your mate or others brand you as untrustworthy."
How to rebuild: The next time you log on to his computer and find an improper download, resist the urge to get on the phone and vent to your top five. Instead, sit down and talk things out with the one person who can help you work through it. If you're not sure how to approach him about a certain topic, sit down and write him a letter. (Helpful hint: Sit on it for 24 hours to make sure it says what you really want to say and isn't just filled with angry words and blame.)
#4. Melodrama
If you're calling him in tears every time your coworker irritates you, deleting him from Facebook during every argument, and threatening to end the relationship over him leaving the toilet seat up (again!), he might start looking for a new leading lady. "Men have a tendency to really like low-maintenance girls when it comes to relationships," says Kristian, 35, of New York City. "We're pretty lazy in general, and it's exhausting when you need to work so hard to make someone happy and calm them down every day."
How to rebuild: Save the details of your office drama for brunch with the girls, and the next time you feel your inner Heidi Montag moving center stage, take a deep breath and rate the situation on a scale from 1 to 10. If it scores below a 5, let it go and save award-worthy performances for anything above a 9 (cheating, insulting your boss at your holiday party, etc.).
#5. "Mom-ing" him
Your man loves his mama and he loves you, but when you're the one telling him to stop playing Guitar Hero, scoffing at his lack of manners, or informing him he can't go out with his pals because he has a "big day tomorrow," it's anything but appealing. He'll not only resent that you're trying to control him, but he'll also likely do what all children do when they're being reprimanded -- rebel. "Scolding your mate creates an unhealthy dynamic of parent-child relationship, which automatically puts your partner into a child role and you into the role of mom," says Jeannine Estes, M.A, a marriage and family therapist and author of "Relationships in the Raw." "Children often do the opposite when they feel as if they don't have a choice, and this is similar for couples."
How to rebuild: "Instead of scolding or telling him what to do or not do, try to ask for your needs in a clear and respectful way and avoid using the 'mother' tone," says Estes. "Share with your partner the importance of your needs rather than demanding or scoffing at what he has or hasn't done right. Also, scolding him like you are his mother can put you in a parent role, carrying the relationship without any assistance or partnership."
#6. Too much together time
Spending time with your guy is one of the best parts of being in a relationship, but there's a big difference between bonding and being joined at the hip. "Many men are attracted to secure, independent women," says Stacey Rosenfeld, Ph.D, a New York City psychologist. "Once in relationships, women may tend to become more dependent, to demand more time and attention of their partners. This can represent a problem, as often men need more space than women."
How to rebuild: Remind your guy of the independent and fabulous woman he was initially attracted to by indulging in your favorite pastimes and enjoying your friends without him every once in a while. By flashing your independence, you'll not only give him a chance to miss you but also have interesting things to share with him when you meet up.
#7. Jealousy
He lets you know how much he loves you constantly, but that doesn't stop you from checking his phone when he's in the shower or sending every pretty girl he talks to eye-daggers. Although a tiny bit of jealousy in a relationship is normal, accusing your man of cheating and questioning his whereabouts every time he walks in will have him feeling controlled, manipulated, and insulted. "Jealousy in a relationship, or even personally, is the spiritual equivalent of dumping hydrochloric acid on the person," says 33-year-old Marc from Los Angeles. "Just sit back and prepare for the disintegration."
How to rebuild: Unless your man has said or done things to make you suspicious, your jealousy is more about your relationship with yourself than you two as a couple. Back away from his computer and check out your own history. Were you betrayed in the past? Did you grow up in a household where the fidelity vows were broken? There might be ways in which you are allowing unresolved issues from your past to dictate your present behavior. If you don't feel you can overcome the green monster on your own, don't be afraid to reach out to a qualified counselor who can help you identify the sources of your insecurity and work through them.
#8. Getting too comfortable
In the beginning of a relationship, both parties make sure to look and act their best, but as time moves on, the sweatpants come out and routine takes over. "People tend to get lazy in their relationships, and while it's good to be comfortable, no one wants to be boring or to be bored," says Lissa Coffey, author of "What's Your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love."
How to rebuild: Men love to be seduced and romanced as much as we do, and part of what makes the courtship phase of relationships so fun is the experience of uncovering the mystery of another and trying new things together. "When a woman stops making an effort to look nice for her man and expects him to take care of all the stuff in the romance department, a man begins to feel taken for granted and thinks that she doesn't care about impressing him anymore," says Brian, 30, of New York City. Show your guy he's still worth the effort by surprising him with a break from the ratty T-shirt you wear to bed, a sweet note, or planning a special night out for him "just because." He'll not only appreciate it, he'll also reciprocate -- and that's a give and take to get excited about.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
To whom it may concern:
I just wanted to stress, that being righteous is not a loser...
I chose to stand on what is right! I'm sorry but I just don't kiss ass. I believe reaching my dreams doesn't include kissing ass.
I pity those people who needs to lick someone elses ass just to reach certain positions and I hate those on top who let their ass lick. Perhaps you are thinking of a convinient life ahead of you, but hey wake up, there's no future ahead of you. A temporary convinient life perhaps.
You once told me being religious is a big problem. I don't know who's problem would that be. If you have an issue with me being religious, oh well you might be bringing that as a burden forever. I believe because I believe. If you don't not a problem with me, i'll pray for you. I'll pray that what you have right now will stay with you forever. Coz I know what I have now will stay with me forever.
May your friends be a true friend to you, and will stay with you til you have nothing in that pocket.
God Bless!
I chose to stand on what is right! I'm sorry but I just don't kiss ass. I believe reaching my dreams doesn't include kissing ass.
I pity those people who needs to lick someone elses ass just to reach certain positions and I hate those on top who let their ass lick. Perhaps you are thinking of a convinient life ahead of you, but hey wake up, there's no future ahead of you. A temporary convinient life perhaps.
You once told me being religious is a big problem. I don't know who's problem would that be. If you have an issue with me being religious, oh well you might be bringing that as a burden forever. I believe because I believe. If you don't not a problem with me, i'll pray for you. I'll pray that what you have right now will stay with you forever. Coz I know what I have now will stay with me forever.
May your friends be a true friend to you, and will stay with you til you have nothing in that pocket.
God Bless!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Looking forward owning your dream house?
This post is a sponsored post for Real Property Management.
Looking for a place to live in or looking forward owning your dream house? Then Real Property Management is here to help you. Real Property Management or RPM is a full service management company that helps single house owners or investors with 100 places. RPM received the "Franchise of the Year Honorable Mention" award and RPM Midwest has been featured in "Bizjournal of Cincinnati and Columbus". They manage over 20,000 units nationwide!
Freddie Mac, a company that help millions of families across America to purchase their own homes or enjoy quality and affordable housing rental, signed an exclusive agreement with Real Property Management to manage the new REO Rental Initiative. To ensure the highest standards in property management services, RPM Midwest joins the National Association of Residential Property Managers.
So if your thinking of owning a house now, go and visit Real Property Management to assist you with real estate needs.
Genuine Rolex Watches for Less
This is a sponsored post written by me for Best Of Time.
Have you encountered like new and pre-owned watches for sale? Yes you're right like new and pre-owned things is a hit most specially in online markets. A lot of small and budding entreprenuers are investing in online business marketing and online retailing. But have you ever encountered like new and pre-owned Rolex watches? Oh yes you read it right!
Like new and pre-owned Rolex watches are available at Best of Time a.k.a. Alex Jewelry. They offer genuine Rolex watches at a good reasonable price. Best of Time is an independent dealer of like new and pre-owned Rolex watches. They were able to give great discounts to their customers because they were able to avoid pricing controls from the manufacturers. All of the Rolex watches are 100% genuine and authentic with serial numbers. They sell like new and pre-owned watches with brand new genuine boxes and GIA member appraisal papers.
As a proud member of BBB Better Business Bureau, they hold the highest form of recognition with and exceptional A+ rating the highest rating a business can receive. Best of Time Rolex watches are sold at the lowest price and not just that, they have the Worlds best selection of Rolex Watches. Its 100% Genuine and Certified Authentic with 3 years warranty and free fedex shipping! So what are you waiting for? Visit Best of Time online at www.bestoftime.com or simply visit their office at 3180 Presidential Drive, Suite J Atlanta Georgia. For questions and inquiries you may email them at customerservice@bestoftime.com or call 888-721-1979.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
My God given Gift!
When I was young, I looked up how my father took care of my mom. He supports her to whatever things she wanted to do in life. He's always at there to back her up on whatever decisions she makes. His not perfect, they do have a total opposite attitude and conflicting personalities. But beyond those differences he have shown an unconditional love to my mother and to his children. Since then I've wished, hoped and prayed to have a partner just like my Dad. I'd love to experience a true and unconditional love just like how he did it.
I prayed for a loving partner with an unconditional love. I prayed for a partner who speaks and believe in Christ. A partner who would always be at my side to fully support me in everything I do. I prayed for a partner who would always stand by me. Who will carry me when I fall and walk with me in my success. Whoever I talk to about it would say, I'm looking for a man in the future, that will never come true. I told them that I'll be waiting for that future man to come, I'll introduce you to him to let you all know that it did come true.
Days, weeks, months and years have passed, and I have been teased on where my future man is. I waited patiently, as patient as i thought. Too tired waiting, and I almost gave up. Unknowlingly I was being lead to where I should be. Never have i thought that I found my future man. My whole life has changed when he came into my life. He makes me smile when I'm down. He backs me up in whatever decision I make. He makes my day so bright when I'm in the dark. And most of all I see the image of what I have been praying for. Indeed he is a God's gift to me. So here I am introducing him to you, I found the man that I've been praying for, my man, my God given gift.
I'm not good with confrontation. Nor with one on one conversation.
I have a difficulty responding verbally when confronted with a question.
I know what to say but I don't know how to say it.
So most of the time I am misinterpreted.
I hate doing that but I don't know why I keep on doing it.
I tried my best to be as vocal as you, but there's something in me that stops me from practicing it.
I'm sorry if i hurt you so bad, that i don't know how to heal it.
I could be the dumbest person when it comes to relationship, but Im trying my best to get through with this.
I'm sorry is the only thing I could say for now.
I don't know what else to say
I feel sorry for myself for I don't know how to explain.
I don't know whats going on with me. I know its me.
But let's stop pointing who's fault it is.
Let's Just start from scratch and perfect our match.
I Love you more than you ever know
Just hang on ,we'll get over this crisis in no time.
I have a difficulty responding verbally when confronted with a question.
I know what to say but I don't know how to say it.
So most of the time I am misinterpreted.
I hate doing that but I don't know why I keep on doing it.
I tried my best to be as vocal as you, but there's something in me that stops me from practicing it.
I'm sorry if i hurt you so bad, that i don't know how to heal it.
I could be the dumbest person when it comes to relationship, but Im trying my best to get through with this.
I'm sorry is the only thing I could say for now.
I don't know what else to say
I feel sorry for myself for I don't know how to explain.
I don't know whats going on with me. I know its me.
But let's stop pointing who's fault it is.
Let's Just start from scratch and perfect our match.
I Love you more than you ever know
Just hang on ,we'll get over this crisis in no time.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
USED Cellphones for SALE
- condition: used, casing faded due to daily use
- RFS: need cash badly
- PACKAGE: unit and charger only
- bought last June from a fellow istoryan.
- PRICE: 2500 negotiable
- text: 09228489195 - owner
* Nokia 5800 RED (Touchscreen with wifi)
- condition: no warranty SMART LOCKED originally gipaopen line. sinaw pa kaau
- got it last June 30, 2009
- RFS: Need money badly
- PACKAGE: All in (usb, charger and etc)
- PRICE: 12,000 (very negotiable)
- text: 09278489195 - owner
* SAMSUNG E590 SILVER (3 megapix cam)
- condition: used but brought brand new
- bought last June 2009 from Samsung AYALA
- PRICE: 3500 (negotiable)
- RFS: Need cash badly
- text: 09228489195 - owner
pictures to follow
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Money Making Online 3
Hmmm... I have nothing to do during my free time so I have been searching a lot of online sites that pays good money by simply visiting their sites. Here's another on that i found. Hmmm... haven't been payed for this yet but people from istorya.net says its true. So I'm just trying this out and hope it works. Will Update you as soon as i get paid.
If you want to try this just click here or click on the banner below

If you want to try this just click here or click on the banner below

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Making Money Online 2
Another site found where you are paid to view advertisers advertisements and get paid for 5$ per click.
Click here for more info
Be an affeliate
Click here for more info
Be an affeliate
Making Money Online
Friday, July 24, 2009
Heaven Scent
online perfume
I have been using this cologne since 1995. Since I met this product we got so in love with the scent that we keep on using it everyday until now 14 years later We are still using it. Heaven Scent is a product distributed by avon. The scent is indeed heavenly that it would stay almost 24 hours with you. The scent is so heavenly that it would really make the person next to you notice your sweet scent. The best thing here is it won't hurt your nose. The smell is so pleasant,sweet and heavenly indeed. Try it and you'll surely love it.
I have been using this cologne since 1995. Since I met this product we got so in love with the scent that we keep on using it everyday until now 14 years later We are still using it. Heaven Scent is a product distributed by avon. The scent is indeed heavenly that it would stay almost 24 hours with you. The scent is so heavenly that it would really make the person next to you notice your sweet scent. The best thing here is it won't hurt your nose. The smell is so pleasant,sweet and heavenly indeed. Try it and you'll surely love it.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Work At Home????
Looking for people from Different Career Fields who want to take an independent Business Opportunity
For more Information call/text: 09176305304
Monday, June 22, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Mitch Albom's For one more day
Finally i already have my copy of the book.. and a DVD! wew thanks ate Swit!!! love yah!
Love Month....
COme Feb 14-16 Im scheduled to invade Baguio. I'm excited isn't that obvious? My closest friends will be there. My Bessy, my best and my friend is with me, what can i ask for? Hahahaha i have 3 guys in my possession, lol.. hehehehe... Just thinking about travelling with them excites me more. Bessy is with his girlfriend Poknat, then another lover friends, Enen and Carl, and me... I have Paul Mar... weeee I'm so excited! This will be the best Heart's Day ever.
Boracay Weekend...
Many have thought that i wont be able to pursue my boracay vacation. Well glad to say that i was there last December 6 to 8, 2008. With my Paul Mar.hehehe...
Very nice beach, very accomodating people (most specially people from FATJimmy's resort - service is the best), night parties, girls in bikinis, boys in trunks (wew pleasant to the eye), a mix of culture, people with different nationality and relatively cool .
We went there, december still low season, disco parties are not that much but hey its not just the only thing in Bora, just sitting on the beach front listen to the waves and feel the kisses of the wind on your chic, wew it feels like heaven.
It's one of the greatest weekends i had. I just couldn't explain it in words.
Maybe its just like that when your in a place with the right person to be with. Agree???
Check out our pictures at lindle323.multiply.com/photos/boracay weekend.
Very nice beach, very accomodating people (most specially people from FATJimmy's resort - service is the best), night parties, girls in bikinis, boys in trunks (wew pleasant to the eye), a mix of culture, people with different nationality and relatively cool .
We went there, december still low season, disco parties are not that much but hey its not just the only thing in Bora, just sitting on the beach front listen to the waves and feel the kisses of the wind on your chic, wew it feels like heaven.
It's one of the greatest weekends i had. I just couldn't explain it in words.
Maybe its just like that when your in a place with the right person to be with. Agree???
Check out our pictures at lindle323.multiply.com/photos/boracay weekend.
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