If I looked on the bed next to you,what would I find?
- hmmm... a man sleeping?
Do you go to the bathroom with thedoor open or closed?
- Closed! Since we are CoEd in our bhaus.
Are your underwear and socks folded inyour drawer or just thrown in?
- Rolled? hahaha
Sleep on your back or stomach?
- i can sleep well on my stomach.. hehehe
What would I find if I looked UNDERyour bed?
- ahhh mini sheets of paper or coins.
Something that happened today thatmade you angry?
- Tools Down! Scheduled Downtime and everything is Manual.
What were you doing before thissurvey?
- Uploading a Video
What will you do after the survey?
- Go Home and continue blogging at home.
Do you sing?
-Yes, A lot! hehehe or shall i say at all times? toink
Do you de-label your beer bottles?how?
-ahhh.. as how i understand the question, yes i do! Peeling them...am i right? oops...
DO you talk about your feelings orhide them?
- I usually hide them but i'm trying to talk about it thru blogging... hmmm
Is there something you regret and wishyou could take back?
- Yeah, staying fit and in shape, wish to have it back asap.
First thing you do when you wake up?
- Check the time and Pray
Ever had surgery?
- Yup in my forehead.
Last argument you got into with?
- with officemates hehehe
Do you tend to rip the paper off waterbottles?
- not at all times.
What's one good thing about yourbest friend?
- He Understands
How long does it take for you to fallasleep at night?
- hmmmm.... i usually lie in bed for 30 min to an hour before i cant go deep sleep.
Current song on myspace?
- i havent updated my myspace since 2006. Oops
When you shut off your alarm clock, doyou tend to fall back asleep?
- yup, extend for another 5 mins
If you were given the chance to takecare of a monkey for a weekend, wouldyou?
- No
What is the current advertisement onthe side of the screen?
- None actually
What are you looking forward to in thenext few months?
-Summer, beach outing!!! Spend time with family
if you could have ANYONE inthe world, who would it be?
- ahhh...secret... too personal to disclose.
Your Christmas list consists of?
-canon ixus i7, macbook and a car :-P
How do you feel about your hair?
-it's freezy but they love it!
How much do looks matter to you in aguy?
-around 50%?
What’s the best feeling in the world?
-Loving and being Loved :-D